Contact Info:
2222 South, 1900 West Ogden, Utah 84401
(801) 399-8396 Fax:(80) 399-8135
Kelly Hipwell, Roads Superintendent
Kera Atmore, Office Manager
Office Hours: M through F 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Utah Department of Transportation:
For current road conditions in:
Ogden Canyon, I-15, Monte Cristo and other State Roads
Huntsville Shed: (801) 745-3777 Division 1 Headquarters: (801) 620-1600
Ogden City Public Works Division:
Streets Operations: (801)629-8271
Statewide Road Conditions:
Utah based phone lines : 511
Outside Utah: toll-free (866) 511-UTAH (8824)
CommuterLink Website:
National Weather Services:
Hyper Link to WeatherNet: